Spock: Medi-scanners indicate it is a cat, Captain. In the briefing room, a line by Spock is cut: What is he? Not even Spock's…etc." was not in this script. The supplemental Captain's log which immediately follows Seven's capture where Kirk describes "A man in a 20th-century business suit. Notable changes from the final-draft script to the produced episode include: The Final-Draft Trek Script : January 1, 1968 A lot of re-writing was done over the holidays by Art Wallace to deliver the episode we know. It feels much more like a Trek episode with Seven and Lincoln as guest stars, instead of the back-door pilot it became. The frightened Roberta was soothed by Uhura, who reassured her that she was still among Earth people.Ībout 30–50 per cent of the Seven-Lincoln-Isis story is not developed yet. Seven, was beamed up to the Enterprise for interrogation. McCoy, turning the tables on Bones by asking him to think like a doctor, not a mechanic. Gary Seven's transporter beam came from even farther across the galaxy than it did in the episode.Īfter Seven was confined in the Enterprise brig, he revealed his mission to Dr. No black cat! Isis – either human or feline – is nowhere to be seen. There were some differences from the final episode in this version: Source: Captain's Logs: The Unauthorized Complete Trek Voyages.
#Earth final conflict season 5 dvd cover series#
It was a good pilot and it's a shame, because I think if they had done it as a series with just Gary Seven, it would have been a very successful show." That was intended to be the pilot, although it was never made into a series. So I saw Gene and we decided to pool the idea, which was about a man from tomorrow who takes care of the present on Earth. They had said that Gene Roddenberry had come up with a very similar idea. "Assignment: Earth is interesting in a sense," Wallace points out, "because I had gone to Paramount and pitched a series idea to them.

In the middle of Star Trek's second season, Roddenberry and writer Art Wallace reworked the Æ premise: After their initial adventure together involving going back in time to reset a mishap and Roberta transporting instantly around to different locations, Seven tells Roberta he needs an assistant. Seven and Roberta meet and come into conflict with Isis and Harth, setting up the series' premise. The woman looked very much like her, and Roberta found Seven's address on her body. Roberta had nearly been killed by a falling chunk of a building, and had been pushed out of the way by a woman who instead died. She sits down at the typewriter to leave him a note. The gadgets from the final episode are here, including the servo, and a pair of working x-ray glasses. We meet Roberta as she enters the office looking for Mister Seven. Seven's cover in the 1960s is The -7- Agency, a private investigations firm.

Roberta Hornblower is described as she appeared in the final episode, but as a 20 year old. Harth and Isis would be the primary Omegan antagonists. His goal is to defeat the Omegans, a race of shape-changing aliens who have sent agents back in time to change Earth's history so they can defeat Earth in the future. Gary Seven is a man sent back in time from the 24th century, the only Earth man to ever survive the transit. Gene Roddenberry developed the first version of Æ as he worked on Star Trek's first season, and pitched it to Desilu in a 47-page script.